Isit Love Fallen Road在哪下载游戏攻略
Choose your own adventure in Fallen Road. Your new interactive story game all about angels and demons.
To progress forward in the story, you must make decisive choices during your missions but also during your conversations with other characters.
You woke up in a disused factory, wounded, and with amnesia. Jeff, a Protector, found you and took care of you. You have no memory of your past. Jeff initiates you then into the secrets of this world.
Angels and demons do indeed exist. And the Protectors, whose ranks you have joined, strive to maintain the delicate balance between these two worlds. Between your mission and searching for clues to your past, will you be able to resist temptation and stay on the right path?
❖ A new chapter available every 2 weeks
❖ Your decisions influence the story
❖ The story is 100% in English
❖ Fight demons!
❖ Meet angels!
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About us:
Founded only a few years ago, 1492 Studio soon became a leader in interactive storytelling games with its "Is It Love?" franchise. The first three universes, Carter Corp, Mystery Spell, and Blue Swan, boasted dozens of million downloads.
1492 Studio recently joined the Ubisoft family and is now rapidly expanding (new partners, new universes and new stories!).
Ubisoft's teams are driven by their desire to enrich the lives of players with original and unforgettable gaming experiences. They give life to amazing worlds, veritable playgrounds where players can unleash their imagination, enjoying surprising moments of fun and adventure that also help them discover themselves and learn.
《Love Rocks!心跳宝石》开发花絮
Rovio新推出的《Love Rocks!心跳宝石》可以说是一款别具一格的三消手游,参与这款游戏的设计者不仅有《愤怒的小鸟》的制作人,还有拉丁天后——夏奇拉,这位出生于哥伦比亚的大美女可是南非世界杯主题曲的演唱者!
两者又是如何思维碰撞,并创造出的《Love Rocks!心跳宝石》的呢?看了下面这些花絮,没准你会被开发者们迸发的热情给打动哟!
《Fist of love》是由Biubiubiu开发的一款休闲独立游戏,在游戏中,作为一名猜拳手,你应当不断前进,挑战更高的巅峰。作为一名挑战者,你需要不断的磨砺自己,以战胜更强的对手。