Flying Bird Adventure在哪下载游戏攻略
Flying Bird Adventure is one of the best jungle adventure games. It was created by Monstefy with a purpose to deliver the fans a game that would be challanging but fun to play.
Flying Bird Adventureo game features:
- Great art and lovely characters
- Simple controls: moving, and jumping
- Continuous action and fun
How to Play:
- Move throughout the levels by pressing on the movement buttons
- Press the jump button once to make a all jump
- Hold the jump button to jump higher
- Collect coins throughout the level
一夜爆火的Flappy Bird破900关后是什么样子的?九游小编为你带来最新的《Flappy bird》劲爆资讯,下面就跟随小编一起来看看这牛得一逼的惊魂时刻:
你知道Flappy Bird在900关以后是什么样的吗?近日,网上流传着一组Flappy Bird突破900大关之后的动态突破。网友吐槽:简直就是丧心病狂呐!下面就一起看看这款出自越南河内独立游戏开发者...
风靡一时的《Flappy Bird》因为作者的突然下架,成为多少被虐狂的遗憾。骚男骚女们只能下载山寨版过过虐心的瘾。现在你们的机会终于来了!据海外最新消息,《Flappy Bird》开发者Dong Nguyen日前向媒体透露正在考虑将《Flappy Bird》在App Store重新上架。虽然Nguyen此前也在推特上暗示过《Flappy Bird》将会回归,但这次的言论显然更为确定。
Flappy Bird和2048是当下最火的2款手机游戏,如今他们居然合体了,没错Flappy 48安卓版来袭,小伙伴准备好再来一次头脑风暴吧。