Zigzag challenge在哪下载游戏攻略
In this zigzag dash, you will live in a beautiful 3D world, with rather easily understood mechanics, yet challenging levels as you advance. This Zigzag game is made for both genders, girls and boys, so put on your addictive hats, and enter the world of ZigZag Challenge. Hence the name, the game provides you with a challenge no other but you can win! This Zigzag game opens the door for an endless runner game, but in another way, a challenge. You’ll have to zig zag your way to reach your designated path without falling into the abyss. A zigzag journey like no other; simple, addictive, and challenging. All you have to do is run in a zig zag path, pave the way to the castle. The more you level up, the faster it becomes!
This zigzag game wheels its way through the clouds that designed in the most entrancing way possible. With your speed runner coursing his way through the frozen land and air, you collect hearts as you pave the way towards the castle, towards rest. With that knowledge in the palm of your hands, you will try not to let the heavy-coated characters of yours belly flopping endless in the clouds.
• Colorful 3D graphics.
• The movement of the protagonist is ooth and fluid.
• You only have to tap your screen in the desired direction.
• Endless challenges with multiple levels.
• Challenges you in a Zig Zag type of road.
• Compatible with all Android devices.
• ZigZag Challenge is fun and free.
How to Play:
To start your endless challenge with ZigZag Challenge, all you have to do is tap away at your screen to follow the designated road. In order to keep moving towards your target, the castle, you mustn’t fall from the horrid ledge and meet your demise! Once you reach the castle, you’ll receive a gift—more levels open. As you advance, you will be challenged even more, as the speed will increase and it will prove to be quite a challenge for you to reach the castle on each passing level. Yet, as a cool mechanic added in the game, the ground you walked on once breaks free from its companions, leaving you no choice but to go forward.
The castle or the tent is your safe haven. Will you or will you not be able to find your way to it? How hard will it be for you to finally find peace? Zig zag your way to find out!
《实验室挑战》(Test Chamber Challenge)是一款益智闯关游戏。你觉得你的脑袋够聪明吗?你觉得你的思维能力够强大吗?那么来挑战这款游戏吧!36个具有挑战性的游戏设计,以测试你的智商,逻辑能力和推理能力。内置的帮助系统能够在你卡住的时候为你提供一点灵感。喜欢此类游戏的玩家快来下载这款《实验室挑战》体验试玩吧!
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实验室攻略Test Chamber Challenge第16,17,18,19,20关怎么过。下面九游波比为大家带来实验室攻略第16-20关的通关攻略,告诉大家这些难点要怎么过,如何才能快速通关,下面大家就一起来看下吧。