Τα Παραμυθάκια在哪下载游戏攻略
Το κάθε παραμύθι αποτελείται από 16 εικόνες οι οποίες συνοδεύονται από αφήγηση. Στο κάθε παραμύθι είναι ενσωματωμένα δύο εκπαιδευτικά παιχνίδια. Το Παζλ (Puzzle) "σπάζει" την κάθε εικόνα σε αριθμό κομματιών ανάλογα με τις ρυθμίσεις. Η Σειροθέτηση (Sequencing)
αναπαράγει τις σελίδες του παραμυθιού σε μικρά εικονίδια και το παιδί καλείται να τα τοποθετήσει με τη χρονολογική σειρά που εξελίχτηκε η ιστορία.
Το συγκεκριμένο προϊόν αναπτύσσει την ικανότητα σειροθέτησης, ακουστικής και οπτικής μνήμης. Το προϊόν είναι πιθανόν να καταγράφει ανώνυμα τους χρόνους κατά τους οποίους πραγματοποιούνται επιλογές με στόχο τη συνεχή αναβάθμιση της σχετικής έρευνας.
Το παραμύθι είναι διαθέσιμο μόνο στα Ελληνικά.
Each story consists of 16 images, accompanied by narration. In each fairy tale two educational games are embedded. Depending on the program’s settings, Puzzle ‘breaks’ each illustration in a number of puzzle pieces. Sequencing reproduces the storyline’s pages in all icons, and the child is asked to order them in the chronological order that the story was unfolded.
These programs develop the sequencing ability as well as auditory and visual memory. With aim the advancement of research, anonymous recording of the time taken for the players choices is sent to the authors R&D team.
The Tale is currently available only in Greek.
Each fairy tale consists of 16 pictures that are accompanied by narrative. Two educational games are integrated into each fairy tale. The Puzzle breaks each image in a number of pieces depending on the settings. The Sequencing
reproduces the pages of the fairy tale in all icons and the child is asked to post them in the chronological order that the story has evolved.
This product develops the scheduling, acoustic and visual memory capability. The product is likely to anonymously record the times at which choices are made in order to continuously upgrade the relevant research.
The fairytale is available only in Greek.
Each story consists of 16 images, accompanied by narration. In each fairy tale two educational games are embedded. Depending on the program's settings, Puzzle 'breaks' each illustration into a number of puzzle pieces. Sequencing reproduces the storyline's pages in all icons, and the child is asked to order them in the chronological order that the story was unfolded.
These programs develop the sequencing ability as well as audible and visual memory. With the aim of advancing research, an anonymous recording of the time taken for the players choices is sent to the R & D team authors.
The Tale is currently available only in English.