Switch Gravity Ball Zig Zag中文版下载游戏攻略
Switch Gravity Ball Zig Zag Features:
Avoid the obstacles in high speed in this adrenaline-filled challenge.
How far can you go in Switch Gravity Ball Zig Zag?
Fast-paced, action packed dodging game
Imagine turning space upside down and defying the laws of gravity.
Gravity Switch is an addictive game that requires focus, concentration and precise timing.
The intuitive one-tap controls allow you to discover the ideal path through all the challenging mazes.
Travel as far as you can and use the different power-ups to improve your highscore even more.
Stay on the wall and do as many zigzags as you can!
Just tap the screen to change the direction of the ball. Try not to collide ball with edges!
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