Friends Gem for kakao中文版下载游戏攻略
The new adventure begins right now!
Let’s explore the mysterious gemstones with Kakao Friends!
Put out the swirling flames by making water path and escape with Apeach!
Turn the reflector to light up the gemstone.
Help Tube find its shoe to continue the adventure.
Complete the map and find out the Friends’ ruins to get precious treasures!
Different Friends will help you clear the match-3 puzzle stages!
Enter the world of Friends Gem and enjoy!
“All about Friends Gem!”
First, complete the map by exploring!
Clear stages to reveal the map
and find out the different concepts of the world.
Second, discover the hidden ruins!
As you clear out the stages you will be able to find out
the various ruins that have the face of the Friends.
Moreover, explore the ruins and get precious treasures!
Third, collect all the unique costumes!
Including Expedition, Sweet, Candy, Cookie, Jelly, Ice cream costumes you can find all kinds of costumes!
These costumes will help you clear stages much easier!
If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
地牢玩法是每款RPG手游不可或缺的元素。近日韩国游戏代理商afreecatvgame公开了一款全新的地牢探索类RPG手游《吨吨龙军团for kakao》(톤톤용병단for kakao)。
《吨吨龙军团for kakao》是一款闯关玩法的休闲RPG手游,在游戏红玩家需要控制着英雄击杀敌人顺利通过关卡,游戏有着200种不同的武器以及佣兵技能,玩家可以随机的搭配使用。近段时间来,韩国这种休闲画风...
《翻滚丛林for Kakao》是一款非常休闲的射击游戏,游戏的画风采用了涂鸦简笔画,玩家爱游戏中需要控制着人物造一个正方形的的小地图上进行移动射击游戏,在这款游戏中有着多个不同的角色,系统会为玩家提供一个初始角色,其与角色需要玩家通过人任务者购买解锁。游戏的操作方式非常的休闲,玩家只需要滑动屏幕即可移动人物。
在《翻滚丛林for Kakao》玩家除了可以使用不同的道具来提升自己的攻击力之外...
KOG 于韩国釜山 G-Star 电玩展摊位上展出两款手机游戏,其中一款就是改编自《永恒冒险(叁小侠 Grand Chase)》的手机游戏《永恒冒险 for kakao》,巴哈姆特 GNN 与电玩疯团队也同样带来本作的实机侧拍影片,让玩家一睹为快。
与先前由移动怪兽代理的《叁小侠 Grand Chase(Grand Chase M)》不同,《永恒冒险 for kakao》是 KOG 工作室于...