Rick and Morty Piano Tiles (Evil Morty Theme)中文版下载游戏攻略
The best piano tiles Rick and Morty Game It's a game not to touch the black.
This is a gift for fans of Rick and Morty.
Enveloping flat tiles with enthralling songs by Rick and Morty.
-In this game you can play the instrument for piano with the melodies of the songs of Rick and Morty.
Download and play this game for fun
There are 4 game modes: infinite cards and limited cards with easy or difficult modes
Compare your score all over the world with the Rick and Morty piano tiles.
Feel free to send us requests for songs, problems, comments and suggestions, with your comments and support, we can add more songs and make better apps!
Rick and Morty Piano tiles is an unofficial fan application. It is not affiliated or endorsed by Rick and Morty, its management or the record label. This app does not include copyrighted material. The piano's melodies are organized with individual piano notes and the interpretations of these songs are original and created by Devyoub. For educational and entertainment purposes only.
钢琴The Piano是一款恐怖冒险游戏。背景设定了第一次世界大战后,玩家扮演的John Barnerway要在多起谋杀案中寻找线索和答案。喜欢的小伙伴赶紧来看看钢琴游戏最低配置要求介绍吧!
钢琴 HD软件版本:2.0.0
操作系统: Windows 7
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