Cool Math Games for Kids: Addition and Subtraction中文版下载游戏攻略
Coolmath Games is a brain-training application, for everyone, where logic thinking math meets fun games.
These games have no violence, no empty action, just a lot of challenges that will make you forget you're getting a mental workout!
It’s perfect for all ages as it totally adapts to each child’s age, so preschool kids (aged 3-6), primary and secondary (aged 6-15) and adults of all ages can all play.
Also, the youngest kids can learn their first words in their own language or in any other (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, and Korean). All you have to do is change the language!
Enjoy the adventure!
Buddy and his friends will put you to the test with their fun and crazy antics. Have a great time at their school while you learn and improve your logic and math ability.
Children will have an exciting adventure solving puzzle games, jigsaws, memory games, basic skills games, addition and subtraction activities, times tables worksheets and mental math activities. And all of it perfectly adapted to their age.
For preschool kids: aged from 3 to 6 years.
- Learn to recognize numbers and learn the relationship between quantity and number.
- Improve speed, attention, and psychomotor skills through play.
- Learn basic skills and first words, letters, consonants and vowels (reading and writing – abc) in a fun way in their native language: English.
- Learn to count (tallying).
- Start learning English for kindergarten toddlers (preschool).
- Learn and improve coordination and fine motor skills in the youngest.
- Develop visual awareness of different moving shapes and objects.
- Develop attention and concentration.
For primary -between 6 and 12 years- and secondary -between 12 and 16 years-
- Revise counting skills (tallying for the youngest).
- Practice sums with appropriate numbers for their age.
- Learn to subtract with numbers suiting their level in logic and math.
- Math learning with logic sequences activities.
- Learn and practice simple times tables (multiplication) and division.
- Improve mental math.
From ages 16 to 100 :)) the game will be a great challenge for this age range as well, increasing the difficulty of the mathematical operations (mental math, addition, subtraction, times tables and division) and the rest of the levels.
Preschool kids, elementary children and adults have no excuse not to practice and revise math operations (counting numbers, sequences, tallying, addition, subtraction, division, simple times tables and multiplication, and basic math skills, as Buddy School perfectly combines fun with learning arithmetic and mental math. And parents don’t have any excuse either as this app is free!!
It’s a real educational video game!
So now you know: go practice mental math and enjoy learning!!
What are you waiting for?!! It’s free!!
Company: Didactoons
Educational video game: Buddy School
Recommended age: 3-10 years
Subject: Learn math through play.
Contents: Basic skills, basic math, addition, subtraction, counting numbers.
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