Future Pong VR中文版下载游戏攻略
Enjoy this Pong in virtual reality VR, but in the first person, in 3D mode and with a futuristic package that feels luxurious. With the head we will control our paddle, which is where the ball bounces, and also, if we are skilled, we can give it more strength and effects by moving the head at the moment of impact. The goal is to stop the opponent's shots and screech ours, in matches to the best of five points.
Easy? Well not so much. Fulfilling all of your challenges, in addition to the different levels of difficulty, makes you require some skill.
The game has 5 tournaments so you can measure yourself against your 9 opponents without the need of an internet connection. Each tournament has specific things, such as playing with two balls at the same time or with walls that hinder our ball.
You can enjoy the game completely free and without having to make purchases in the app. Only one ad will be shown at the beginning of the game, during the rest of the VR experience, you will not be invaded by anything else and you will play calmly and freely.
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