WalletPet - Adventures with Cryptie the Kitty Cat中文版下载游戏攻略
Maybe you have heard about “cryptocurrencies” or “crypto”. In the news, you may have read mentioned of “blockchain”, “bitcoin? and more. These are new, developing technologies with great potential, but with a steep learning curve.
The benefit of these technologies is something for all, though. With WalletPet, and the trio of cats: Cryptie, Lemon and Mint, we are here to introduce and take you through these concepts. We are going to teach you what Cryptocurrency is, and what you need to know about it.
We aim to present everyone the opportunity to learn, without having to have a deep understanding of all of the ins and outs of the technologies that support these technologies (but this is something we’ll be sure to teach you about later!).
The first step, is the Wallet. And not only a Wallet in this case, but a *super-cute* Wallet which also brings with it a customisable home space for our three helpful cats.
What is a Wallet? Well, that’s the kind of question that we are here to help answer!
WalletPet is an adorable way to introduce and educate you in the world of Cryptocurrency, and the technologies that exist around it, and all this comes alongside a fully customisable home space, furniture, items, decorations, and of course, cats!
Today, we are in the kitten years of WalletPet, with so much more to come!
Download WalletPet today, and get an early start on the wide, long journey towards the technologies and ideas that everyone keeps talking about!
小编知道很多萌妹子喜欢Hello Kitty猫,今天小编发现一个《部落冲突》阵型,相信很多COC的女玩家会很喜欢吧。
近日,Age宣布与Sanriowave 合作推出的模拟经营游戏《Hello Kitty 冰淇淋店》(ハローキティ アイスライフ)现已正式开放配信。玩家可在安卓和苹果平台免费下载,同时表示从即日起开始一直到8月31日,玩家可以在游戏中通过开服活动获得特别的服装奖励。
本作是一款模拟经营游戏,玩家在游戏中将会扮演一家冰激凌店的店长,要聘请hello kitty等人到店里作为员工工作。玩...