Ultimate Xenover Fusion中文版下载游戏攻略
Let players form teams with up to four characters to participate in group melee action, take on massive boss battles, or challenge other players around the world for brawls featuring up to eight characters on screen at the same time.
Ultimate Xenover Fusion’s gorgeous environments and brilliantly modeled cel-shaded characters create the illusion of being a true Super Saiyajin, and anymore.
Despite a deceptively tough learning curve, the combat is pretty bare-bones. Every one of the over 70 playable characters can use melee and ranged attacks and do some sort of powerful blast after charging up, all of which makes up 90 percent of the combat. As a result the fighting can feel shallow and repetitive after a while, which is a shame for a game solely based around world-destroying battles.
The remaining 10 percent of combat involves two moves unique to each character depending on their class, and experimenting with different characters to find ones that suited is one of the best rewards of Ultimate Xenover Fusion.
For instance, Goku, a melee-focused fighter, has a couple of powerful punches only he can pull off while Gotenks, a Ki blast type, can unleash a barrage of energy missiles. One of my favorite fighters, Kid Buu, can close the gap with either a quick teleport or by stretching his arm several feet to pull opponents in for a melee attack, making him hard to predict.
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