Krakout challenge中文版下载游戏攻略
Welcome to the ultimate challenge! Test your skill and nerve, take a challenge, go through levels, beat all barriers on your way.
Do you like challenges? Create a level set, exchange them with friends and compete - who beat levels faster or with higher scores.
Do you have a boring party? Do game tournament. Who faster, who have a better reaction, who smarter.
Key features:
- arcade mode with 3 level sets ( 300 levels)
- stop and continue to play any time you want
- integrated level editor
- levels data can be exchanged via a local network
-can make tournaments and play the same shared level sets on multiple devices
- sharing gameplay screen or scores screen with friends
- pixel graphics
- low device resource usages
- fast start, no loading screens ( you can start at seconds).
* Facebook:
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