1st Grade Learning Games for Kids中文版下载游戏攻略
Kidlo First Grade Learning Games is a
comprehensive educational program
for kids in 1st grade. Grade 1 kids will learn different topics like English, Math, Science & Geography with 290+ educational games. Our 1st Grade learning app offers educational lessons which act as a reinforcement to the school curriculum for students.
Topics covered in this Grade 1 Learning App:
There are over 170 games through which kids can learn math a fun and interactive way.
Number Sense:
Play spaceship games, cycling games, popping games and learn odd-even, comparison and more.
Learn To Add:
Learn addition for kids. Exciting games for kids to learn addition up to 2 digits.
Learn To Subtract:
Learn subtraction for kids. Learn to subtract games up to 2 digits.
Telling Time Games:
Look at the clock, play with the clock. Learn to tell time. Funny way to learn time telling.
Geometry Games:
Identify different shapes - Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Cylinder, Cube, Hexagon, etc.
Also learn Graphs & Measurement easily with our variety of math games.
We have some fun games and interactive animation that will help your kids learn basic English.
Learn Spellings:
Learn to spell letters and words. Learn the English Alphabet with fun.
Sight Words:
Learn sight words like the, is, and, my, under, above, and many more with attractive animations.
Parts Of Speech:
Learn different parts of speech such as nouns, verbs and prepositions through games.
It also has different topics like Singular & Plural, Consonant Blends, Vowels, Tenses, Word Families & Homophones.
Learn science lessons like Life Science, Physical Science, Food Science, Earth & Space with over 20+ educational science games.
Learn everything about geography with 15+ geography games. Includes lessons on Countries, Continents, Flags, Capitals of Countries, Monuments & Landmarks.
First Grade Learning Games is a perfect learning companion for your child. Download now!
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