A CS:GO QUIZ - Name the Skin中文版下载游戏攻略
Are you bored? Waiting for your game to start? You can try our Quiz for CSGO. It tests the knowledge that you have for the CSGO Skins . With more than 40 levels and many more to come, this game brings you lots of joy and fun .
In this game you just have to guess the skin that appears in the picture.For every correct answer, you get points witch you can use it for other hints or to solve the question.
We also have a campaign running : If you are the first two that finishes the game , you can send us an email at goldenappledevs@gmail.com with a screenshot of the last level of the game in order to win an Stattrak AK-47 Redline (Field-Tested) .
如果说在上一个电竞时代里,有那些游戏地图能够代表那些经典游戏的话,魔兽星际或许是“Lost Temple”,而CS就一定是“Dust 2”了。如今CS的最新版本已经是《CS:GO》了,而Dust 2却仍然还在,不过最近官方就要把这张地图移出官方的比赛地图库了。
对老游戏玩家来说,一听到“GOGOGO”、“Fire in the hole”,脑海中会马上浮现出当年激战《反恐精英》(CS)的场景。这款由 Valve 开发的射击游戏 2001 年进入中国以后,随即风靡全国,并承载起一代人的回忆。时隔 16 年,同样由 Valve 开发,并按照当年 CS 原型制作的《反恐精英:全球攻势》(CS:GO)宣布将于 2017 年 4 月 18 日在中国开启首测。