Kill Cockroach中文版下载游戏攻略
Many cockroaches are crawling around. Touch the screen to kill the cockroach. It is not easy to catch cockroaches because cockroach is moving up and down.
The Kill Cockroach game consists of several levels. If you complete a certain number of killed cockroaches at each level, you will go to the next level. When you kill cockroaches, one moment a big cockroach appears.
Small cockroaches is dead by touching only once, but big cockroach is dead by touching several times until its HP became to 0. Touch hard until the big cockroach is dead.
A variety numbers of cockroaches crawl around each level. The Kill Cockroach game is a game that catches cockroaches crawling around the screen and is a good game to enjoy with children. Play the Kill Cockroach game with exciting background music and have a fun.
[How to play]
1. Many cockroaches are crawling around the screen.
2. Touch the screen to kill the cockroach.
3. The number of killed cockroaches are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
4. Kill the cockroach by a certain number at each level and go to the next level.
5. When a big cockroach appears, you must touch the screen until HP became to 0.
使用期限:2015-09-15 14:07至2018-01-15 14:07
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