Moon Destroyer 2019中文版下载游戏攻略
Moon Destroyer es un juego creado con App Inventor. Manejarás una nave, la cual tiene tres vidas, y tendrás que destruir a la luna, que cuenta con cinco vidas, disparándole; además la luna contraatacará lanzándote minas, y se hará más difícil conforme subas de nivel. También aparecerán ovnis que tendrás que coger para obtener habilidades especiales (como escudos, disparos especiales, etc.), pero si les disparas se volverán en tu contra.
Moon Destroyer is a game created with App Inventor. You will manage a ship, which has three lives, and you will have to destroy the moon, which has five lives, shooting at it; In addition, the moon will counterattack by launching mines, and it will become more difficult as you level up. UFOs will also appear that you will have to catch to obtain special abilities (like shields, special shots, etc.), but if you shoot them they will turn on you.