Test De Cultura Generala 2019中文版下载游戏攻略
Versiunea initiala vine cu peste 100 de intrebari urmand ca baza de date sa creasca la fiecare update.
Jocul nostru " Test De Cultura Generala 2019 " este un joc tip trivia care contine o multime de intrebari intresante din diverse domenii de cultura generala: Geografie, Sport, Arta, Istorie, Limba si literatura Romana, Masini, Frumusete, Internet, IT si multe altele.
In curand si :
ghiceste youtuberul,
ghiceste cuvantul,
ghiceste maneaua,
ghiceste melodia,
ghiceste varsta,
ghiceste vedeta,
ghiceste melodia dupa emoji,
ghiceste varsta vedetelor,
ghiceste varsta fetelor
The initial version comes with over 100 questions and the database will grow at each update.
Our game "Test of General Culture 2019" is a trivia game that contains a lot of intriguing questions from various fields of general culture: Geography, Sport, Art, History, Romanian Language and Literature, Cars, Beauty, Internet, IT and much others.
guessing youtuber,
guess the word,
guess the handle,
guess the song,
guesses age,
guess the star,
guess the song by emoji,
guides the age of stars,
Guess the girls' age
《De Mambo》Switch版在今天正式上线任天堂e商店,定价1500日元(90人民币)。《De Mambo》是一款2D合作对战动作游戏,玩家的目标是将对手撞到屏幕以外。喜欢动作游戏的玩家不要错过哦!
《De Mambo》是最大4人同时游玩的多人对战类动作游戏,画面清新,规则简单,玩家将化身名为《Mambo》的智慧生命体,于其他玩家扮演的《Mambo》展开对战,直到把其他玩家全部驱逐出游...
游戏的PK还不错 并没有bt的英雄什么之类的 主要还是看自己的英雄搭配.英雄都是可以升到5星英雄的需要对应英雄的碎片即可!所以前期不需要花太多钻石在英雄身上!主要还是看自己想怎么玩怎么挖掘搭配英雄为主..
类似2星小强 :