Emerald Room中文版下载游戏攻略
We offer to visit, perhaps, one of the beautiful places in the universe.
Emerald - a symbol of hope and wisdom. The ancient people believed that in it, as if in a magic mirror, all previous human lives are reflected. These green stones were called the "heart of spring", they were considered a symbol of hope and future, renewal and growth, justice and harmony. The emerald received poetic names: "seeker of love" and "discoverer of truth."
The emerald is a stone of true vision and intuition, it is associated with eyes and eyesight. For a long time it was believed that he predicts future events and provides an opportunity to learn the truths. It is a stone of wisdom, strengthening memory and enhancing mental clarity. He combines intelce with wisdom and brings to consciousness what is unconsciously known. The emerald also activates extrasensory abilities and opens the gift of clairvoyance.
万众瞩目!宗师级密室逃脱类解谜游戏系列《The Room》最新作《The Room:Old Sins》,官方中文版《迷室:往逝》将由网易游戏代理发行!系列作品前三作每部均获得百万销量以上的优良成绩,作为新作的《迷室:往逝》,又会为我们带来意想不到的惊喜呢?一起来看看吧!
《The Room》作为一个已经连续发行了3部佳作的游戏系列,不仅广受解谜游戏爱好者的欢迎,更是在全球范围内有着庞大的粉丝...
网易代理,解谜游戏扛鼎之作《The Room Three》官方中文版《迷室3》将于本月12日开启testflight精英测试,目前,官网精英测试预约报名正火热进行,想第一时间体验官方中文版《迷室3》带来的惊喜,赶快前往官网报名预约测试!
《The Room》系列首款作品发布于2012年,游戏一经推出便受到来自全球的解谜爱好者青睐。横扫百余个国家App Store排行榜付费游戏榜榜...
《达芬奇之家》(The House of Da Vinci)是一款神似《未上锁的房间》(The Room)的密室解谜游戏,抛开前者对于后者某些设计精神的延续,《达芬奇之家》也不能完全被说起是“硬邦邦的抄袭”。早前游戏在 Kickstarter 众筹成功,开发团队于近日宣布游戏将于6月22日登陆安卓、iOS 以及 Steam。