== Game features ==
Five kinds of characters, adventure to the classic dungeons!
Master the Land of the Warriors, climb to the top of the miraculous world!
* Special effect gergous, easily experience
Realistic feeling, the game is easy to learn.
Works of exclusive skill, special effect impact the vision of the players!
* Millions of people fight in the king's hegemony.
Combat in the same server, ardent challenge PK!
Great map, free to explore, enjoy unlimited fun!
== Five Classes ==
* Swordsman
Swordman shows his skill and fencing during the battle. A character that was filled with cavalry.
It has a mysterious power, with diverse magic that is undefeated. It always scares the enemy.
A beautiful elf, equipped with a fatal arrow, talented ability and the power of a priest.
* Magic Gladiator
The Magic Gladiators that use the legendary ones. Sword that have this skill can execute attacks. fast stabbing his enemies.
* Summoner
The Summoner is a character of short distance but has the ability of magic to neutralize the enemy. invoke a clone of itself.
== Official Information ==
"NZK KINGDOM" Website:
"NZK KINGDOM" Customer Service:
== Device requirements ==
Device: Most brands and models
Operating System: 4.0 version or above, consist of invidual GPU
Remaining memory: 700M or above
== Game features ==
Five kinds of characters, adventure to the classic dungeons!
Master of the Land of the Warriors, climb to the top of the miraculous world!
* Special effect gergous, easily experience
Realistic feeling, the game is easy to learn.
Works of exclusive skill, special effect impact the vision of the players!
* Millions of people fight in the king's hegemony.
Combat in the same server, ardent challenge PK!
Great map, free to explore, enjoy unlimited fun!
== Five Classes ==
* Swordsman
Swordman shows his skill and fencing during the battle. A character that was filled with cavalry.
* Magician
It has a mysterious power, with diverse magic that is undefeated. It always scares the enemy.
* Goalkeeper
A beautiful elf, equipped with a fatal arrow, talented ability and the power of a priest.
* Magic Gladiator
The Magic Gladiators that use the legendary ones. Sword that have this skill can execute attacks. fast stabbing his enemies.
* Summoner
The Summoner is a character of short distance but you have the ability to neutralize the enemy. invoke a clone of itself.
== Official Information ==
"NZK KINGDOM" Website:
"NZK KINGDOM" Customer Service:
== Device requirements ==
Device: Most brands and models
Operating System: 4.0 version or above, consist of invidual GPU
Remaining memory: 700M or above
韩国游戏商网禅的代表作《奇迹Online》曾是风靡一时的PC端网络游戏,近日官方公布了旗下子公司开发的全新RPG作品《MU:The Genesis》,这将是《奇迹Online》在移动游戏平台的延续。
跟随这条消息一同曝光的是《MU:The Genesis》的最新宣传视频,虽然不到一分钟,但颇具创意。影片中可见到游戏角色从PC屏幕中跳出与怪物展开战斗,在召唤灵魂骑士追击怪物,并把怪物推入桌子...
韩国游戏商网禅12月17日于韩国召开记者会,首度公开手机游戏Mu the Genesis的详细资讯。据了解,这次是去年10月网禅Mobile发表记者会后首次公开详细的情报。
在Mu the Genesis中,玩家的英雄角色可与最多八名灵魂骑兵组成队伍,是一款结合策略与RPG要素的游戏。玩家可以搜集各种灵魂骑兵组成强大的队伍,再以RPG方式培养并使用他们。每种灵魂骑兵都有各自的等级、消耗,以...