Marshmello - Take It Back - Piano Keys中文版下载游戏攻略
Enjoy our new game where you can simply tap on black piano keys and go as far as you can without making a mistake!
Challange your friends to a duel and see who is the best pianist! Smooth and elegant graphics will make the experience even better!
This app is an unofficial fan application.
It is not affiliated with or endorsed by the artist, or record label.
This app does not include any copyrighted material.
The piano melodies are arranged with individual piano notes by our students
For entertainment purposes only.
先前法国亚马逊泄天机,暗示《荒野大镖客2》有望登陆PC平台,这让很家开心不已。近日,在Take Two财报会议上,CEO Zelnick更是称PC平台已经是Take Two公司业务的重要部分。
在于近日举行的R星母公司Take-Two的季度财务会议上,首席执行官Strauss Zelnick被问及《生化奇兵:合集(BioShock: The Collection)》的成功是否会增加Take-Two对重制经典游戏这方面的兴趣。
对此,Strauss Zelnick的回答是:“大概会吧。我的意思是,每次我们的决策或取得预期效果,或进展并不那么顺利,无论结果如何...
近日,曾开发出《黑色洛城(LA Noire)》、《荒野大镖客:救赎(Red Dead Redemption)》和《GTA5》等一系列优质佳作的R星似乎又要有新动作了。据外媒Segment Next报道,其母公司Take Two近日再次续注了“间谍(Agent)”商标,以便继续保有对其的使用控制权。