Ludo Game : Classic中文版下载游戏攻略
Ludo Game Classic
Ludo board game is fun and hilarious game to play with friends and family. It is King of all board games, lets you share some wonderful time with your loved ones.
Ludo is played in India dated long back. We all grew up playing and learning this classic game from our childhood.
Ludo Classic offers you awesome classic board game play. Ludo game is an interesting and exciting board game which you can play with your friends. Ludo Game has four players red, green, blue and yellow.
Ludo Classic is a android platform game that support Android platform at same time in multi-player mode.
So play, enjoy the little board game and recall your childhood. Ludo dice Indian game is played between friends and family in India.
Ludo is played between 2-4 players and the objective of the player in the Ludo game is to get all his 4 tokens into the home which is located at the center of the board.
Entire outcome of the Ludo is decided based on the number scored in the dice roll. The first player to get six on the dice starts the game.
Now you can also enjoy it on you mobile. Play alone with the AI try to beat it to become the ludo Indian classic.
Game Feature ::
* Ludo Dice animation for Best Ludo Game.
* Best Ludo Board Graphics for Real Ludo Multi players.
* 2 Player Ludo
* 3 Player Ludo
* 4 Player Ludo
* Play with Friends (Local Multi-player)
* Real-Time Ludo Game with Friends. OFFLINE Ludo.
* Challenge Ludo match and becomes the King of the board.
* Play against computer easily.
* Best Multi-player Ludo for all king ludo stars.
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Thank you.
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