Netflix Quiz *中文版下载游戏攻略
Netflix quiz is a simple and fun game suitable for adults and children, created just to pass the time when you get bored and also to test your knowledge about Film and TV Series on Netflix.
in the game you will have to guess the names of original netflix movies and TV series. looking only a all part of the cover, you will have to overcome more than 100 levels!
After passing a level you will accumulate the coins that you can use to buy tips that will help you overcome the most difficult levels.
Not enough coins?
To get more coins for free you can share the game on social, otherwise you can also buy packages of coins at very competitive prices.
而在目前,相关手游也发行了!!由 Netf...
根据外媒Gamespot的最近报道,动视暴雪联席总裁Nick ban ...
提到吸血鬼题材的游戏,想必各位玩家都会联想到鼎鼎大名的《恶魔城》系列。这个由 Konami 打造,拥有 30 年历史的动作游戏系列虽然推出了许多作品,不过在影视方面的发展却出乎意外的少,不少人都期盼什么时候能看到贝尔蒙特家族对抗德古拉的影视作品。好在全球最大的在线影片租赁服务商 Netflix 今日(2 月 9 日)正式宣布,《恶魔城》将要改编成动画!
尽管 Netflix 没放出任何关于《...