Guns of Survivor最新安卓下载游戏攻略
《Guns of Survivor》 is an action shooting mobile game with double joystick and endless freedom. You will play the role of a survivor of the last days, fighting your way out of zombies and traps. During the battle, you may collect thousands of components such as barrels, gunstocks, gunbodies, etc., and customize your exclusive firearms through free combination.
AIM and SHOOT! Survival in a virus ravaged world!
How to play?
1. Explore the map, avoid the traps, kill the monsters, and claim the rewards
2. Find and kill the BOSS, and get chest rewards
3. Collect firearms and components, create your own weapons
1. Simple Control - Third person perspective
2. 12 uniquely designed bosses waiting to be challenged
3. 1000+ weapon upgrades, create your exclusive weapons
4. 50 kinds of traps and pits, over 100 monsters of differernt characteristics
5. 3 talent trees, customize how and where you grow
1. Pay attention to the barresl on the streets, and you may get more rewards for breaking them
2. Watch out for the mines under your feet
3. Mystery businesan sells rare goods
4. Choose weapons of differnt ranges to deal with different enemies
说到网易“吃鸡”手游,大家肯定会不约而同想到网易《荒野行动》和《终结者2:审判日》,而对网易另一款“吃鸡”手游《Survivor Royale》知之甚少。《Survivor Royale》是网易专门针对海外出品的一款全新的“吃鸡”手游,国内还没有上线,但已在除韩国之外的所有海外国家和地区上线。值此新年之际,《Survivor Royale》带来全新玩法:僵尸模式+ 50vs50团战,让每一个“吃鸡...
日本游戏大商SQUARE ENIX与Shift游戏公司携手合作,为广大玩家奉上年末巨献——“极速动作RPG”手机游戏《枪魂》(GUNS N' SOULS)!
该作由曾制作过《噬神者2》,《FREEDOMWARS》等游戏的SHIFT负责开发。故事脚本由此前因《Chaos Rings》和《428:被封锁的涉谷》而广为人知的北岛德行担任。人设则是交给了曾负责《最终幻想》系列人设的直良有佑和Rober...
日本游戏大商SQUARE ENIX与Shift游戏公司携手合作,为广大玩家奉上年末巨献——“极速动作RPG”手机游戏《枪魂》(GUNS N' SOULS)!
该作由曾制作过《噬神者2》,《FREEDOMWARS》等游戏的SHIFT负责开发。故事脚本由此前因《Chaos Rings》和《428:被封锁的涉谷》而广为人知的北岛德行担任。人设则是交给了曾负责《最终幻想》系列人设的直良有佑和Rober...