Bubble Wars Attack最新安卓下载游戏攻略
In Bubble Wars Attack mini-game destroy discs of colorful bubbles by strategically using your limited supply of bubbles. Destroy chain of bubbles and you get to keep yours; don't and you don't get your bubble back. Clear bubbles around clear Orb full of bubbles to capture those bubbles as your own.
Playing with bubbles was never more fun!
Aim and shoot to create chains of 3 or more bubbles of the same color.
Once your bubbles run out, or other bubbles reach your shooter at the center, the game ends. Keep an eye out for both these ers.
You can capture up to 5 new bubbles per level; how many bubbles you lose depends on the level layout and your skills.
Each level gets easier as you progress. Every time you eliminate a color, that color is eliminated from your bubbles as well, making it easier to get rid of the remaining bubbles.
《Bubble Tower HD》是一款休闲益智游戏,玩法上很像小时候玩的积木,但是玩家在游戏中不是叠积木,而是要考验你拆积木的技巧。玩家要想办法将积木给抽离,让在顶端的蓝色方块顺利地掉到底端的绿色平台上才可以通关。
开服时间:5月10日10:00 首测1服【瞒天过海】
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