Štiri Črke - Kviz Slovenija最新安卓下载游戏攻略
IGRA, ŠOLA, TRIK... so besede iz štirih črk. Koliko vam jih uspe sestaviti v danem času?
Aplikacija Štiri Črke je odličen način, da si razmigate možgane, stestirate svoje besedišče, reflekse ter zmožnosti hitrega razmišljanja. Primerjajte svoje rezultate s prijatelji in igralci iz celotnega sveta! Spremljajte svoj napredek s pomočjo statistike ter pridobite medalje za posebne dosežke in zbirke besed.
Igra Štiri Črke vas bo hitro zasvojila in vam ponudila veliko zabavnega igranja! Primerna je za celotno družino!
Vsa vprašanja in predloge bomo z veseljem sprejeli na naslovu: zebi24games@gmail.com
GAME, school, TRICK ... are words of four letters. How can you succeed in writing at any given time?
Application of four letters is a great way to shake the brain stestirate their vocabulary, reflexes and the ability to think. Compare your results with your friends and players from around the world! Follow your progress with the help of statistics and get medals for special achievements and collections of words.
Game Four letters you quickly addicted and provide you with a lot of fun to play! Suitable for the whole family!
All questions and suggestions will be gladly accepted at the following address: zebi24games@gmail.com