Chess rules 1最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Part 1 of this 8 part chess rules course aims to teach about the board and the coordinates. Briefly, the chess pieces are mentioned; other parts cover the chess pieces and the rules in full details. These other parts of the course are "Chess rules 2" till "Chess rules 8".
The course aims to be a user-friendly, safe, commercial-free and motivating way to learn chess, step by step. Every course part exists of an explanation, followed by exercises. There is no exam, or track of score; it's perfectly ok to make as many errors as needed. Because of random selection of exercises, repetition may occur. Please be patient. Repitition is the mother of skill.
Every part of the chess rules course is a separate app, which has been constructed with NativeScript technology (
《圣人纸牌》的开发商Zach Gage 今天宣布,旗下游戏新作《Really Bad Chess》现已正式上架,本作是一款全新的棋牌游戏。
近日,网易快节奏枪战竞技手游Rules of Survival正式发布,陆续在全球App Store上架,迅速抢占了美国、法国、新西兰等国家和地区的免费榜榜首宝座,同时在十余个国家和地区进入免费榜前十,在数十个国家和地区稳居前一百,成绩十分惊艳。而《终结者2:审判日》在国内也火爆异常,连续多日雄踞App Store排行榜前列,备受国内玩家追捧。
而登顶美国App Store免费榜的表现,更是...
网易快节奏枪战竞技手游《终结者2:审判日》自开启双端不删档测试以来,深受玩家追捧,热度节节攀升,连续多日跻身App Store中国区免费榜前列,可谓炙手可热。而《Rules of Survival》的上线,则将热度蔓延至全球,在世界各地掀起快节奏枪战竞技风暴!
震撼发布,定名Rules of Survival