Hopeless Bird最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Adventurous Bird is a simple, yet compelling game with eye catching graphics.
Help the bird to avoid the obstacles in its way and try to collect as many apples and cherries as possible.
The game has a great number of levels available and it consists of three different difficulty packs.
This is the perfect game for the whole family. If you have younger kids, they will love this game. It will challenge them and keep them busy while trying to beat the various levels. If you are an adult, give it a try on the hardest level and see if you can keep up with task.
Don’t miss out, see how far you can get. It’s fun and free!!
曾经一夜爆红的《Flappy Bird》,曾经让无数网友深恶痛绝又欲罢不能,曾因作者压力大而下架,终于再度回归了!
或许是经不住金钱的诱惑,该游戏经过小小的优化之后,又重现上架了,并改了名字《Clappy Bird》。《Clappy Bird》已于3月14日重新上架APP Store,提供iPhone和iPad版本,经过优化之后,至少水管看起来是高清了!
Flappy Bird同类热门游戏盘点
极品虐心小游戏《Flappy Bird》在作者的坚持下永久下架了,很多还没体验过这款游戏的玩家都表示非常遗憾。可是大家还没遗憾多久,就发现同类型的游戏大量涌现,接下来小虾就给大家盘点一下美国区免费榜单中四大Flappy Bird山寨作品。
4大“山寨Flappy Bird”占领美国区免费榜
1.Fly Birdie ...
本期卤蛋君为大家介绍一下绝望3黑暗地球Hopeless 3的玩法,还不知道的小伙伴快来看看吧!
Hopeless 3:Dark Hollow Earth《绝望3:黑暗地球》是一款有趣的敏捷游戏。游戏中主角拿着枪支,黑影不停在蠕动,黑暗之中随时有可能钻出来可怕的怪兽,玩家必须迅速作出反应,点击屏幕发射子弹,消灭这些可怕的怪兽。但是要注意,黑暗之中到来的还有可能是小伙伴,不要射击他们哦!捍卫和保...