TABS Accurate Epic Battle最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Start your own war in the most real and accurate Battle Simulator! Create your strategy and become Master of War! Prove yourself in battle Strategy Games with different tactics! Warriors, mages, wizards, archers and cavalry awaits you to unlock then and use it in Epic Battle!
You can play against provided levels or build your own test battle.
Form your strategies, choose your troops and place them wisely on the battlefield and beat every opponent !
Start your own war in the most real and accurate battle simulator! All warriors act and fight like real people and real soldiers! In Battle Simulator you can compete with AI in the campaing mode where your win totally depends on the strategy you chose! Hire soldiers and send your army on the battlefield to fight for glory and fun! Or you can just have much more fun playing sandbox mode where it is up to you to create strategies and build levels!
说起游戏开发商Epic Games可能不少玩家都不会陌生,对于手游玩家们来说,此前人气超高的动作游戏作品《无尽之剑(Infinity Blade)》正是出自他们之手,虽然系列推出已经有很长一段时间了,但是一直到现在看起来游戏的质量还是非常出色的。而此前PC平台上著名的《虚幻竞技场》也是出自他们之手,可以说他们也是一个佳作频出的开发商了。而他们在游戏开发者大会(GDC)上公布了他们的一款名为《战争破...
游戏开发公司Epic Games宣布旗下热门游戏开发引擎“虚幻引擎4”将转型盈利模式,由原来的一次性买断,转而成为按月收费。分析人士认为Epic Games将远离游戏开发,变成一家纯粹的游戏引擎制造商。
面对来自外界的种种质疑和猜测,日前,Epic Games联合创始人兼CEO蒂姆•斯威尼在接受英国《Epic》杂志采访时做出了澄清。