So the basic idea is simple. There are a variety of social actors (groups, organizations, agencies, etc.). The most important and the focus of the game is the social movement. Further, relative to the movement there are allies/enemies, politicians, political parties, media, police, and more. (Note the key meta-actor is government which includes multiple levels [local, state, federal] and sources [executive, legislative, judiciary].) Each actor has an interest or goal. The goal of the movement is to address police shootings. (Note the police are agents of social control and simultaneously the target of the social movement.) When two or more actors interact there are events. For example, the leaders of the movement make a proposal (action) and the members support (or oppose) it (reaction). Most events are of the actors own making in which they exercise more control (systemic events). For example, the movement protests and the police respond. However, other events are more beyond their control (contingent events).