Masha and the Bear: Let's Learn Words最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Masha decided to take a break from goofing off and write a letter to her sister. And her faithful friend the Bear helped Masha out. They spent a long time figuring out the letters of the alphabet, playing, having fun, and writing out the text to be sent. And as they were composing the letter, Bear became tired and lay down to take a nap. While the bear slept, Masha did not stop working. Of course, she did get carried away playing with the letters.
When Bear woke up, he discovered that the mischievous girl had lost all of the letters and had mixed up all of the words. There were rumors that the letters had ended up in the most remote corners of the forest. And now Masha and the Bear must embark on an adventure to conclude this unfinished business.
As you progress through the game you will complete more than 300 different levels! In each of these levels you will find something new in the form of various words, pictures, and letters. You will need to be careful and help Masha correctly write out new words. And your friend the Bear will, as always, help you, since he has a number of hints at his disposal that he can tell you when you run into tricky situations. But you yourself also need to be alert.
You will need to devote a lot of effort and attention to find all of the letters. That's because Masha cannot cope without you, and you need to help Masha do everything correctly. Otherwise, she will not be able to send her letter. Learn new words, spell correctly, guess words from the pictures, and head deeper into the forest.
Don't forget to share the app with your friends so that they can also help Masha.
This game is for everyone who misses their favorite heroes. It provides the perfect opportunity to get to know more about them, to listen to their stories, and to help them overcome challenging puzzles.
Now you know what to do! We wish you luck on your adventures with Masha and the Bear.
This game features:
- New beautiful graphics
- More than 200 word illustrations
- Interesting game mechanics that will help you learn words
- Pronunciations of words
Have fun!
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