Animal sounds, photos and short descriptions album最新安卓下载游戏攻略
This application is designed for kids, youth and everyone, who would like to learn more about some most popular animals living on our planet. Over hundred high definition photos of domestic animals, wild animals and birds. Moreover, real animal sound and short description is attached to each photo!
• Slideshow mode (switch to next photo within 5-20 seconds delay)
• Autoplay animal sound
• Animals are sorted by author's taste (wild animals by habitat areas)
• Animal short description (including breed name, size, diet, habitat etc.)
If you have mentioned any mistakes or have suggestions to improve the application you are more than welcome to contact the author. Any kind of feedback would be very much appreciated.
Hope that you enjoy the application and have wonderful experience of using it!
Most of the pictures and sounds are public domain, animal description information was taken from Wikipedia.
Following sounds were taken from website:
S: 201009.deer.roar.02.wav by dobroide -- -- License: Attribution
S: Guinea Foul (Female) by mvines -- -- License: Attribution
S: 02007 gooses.wav by Robinhood76 -- -- License: Attribution Noncommercial
S: neigh3.wav by acclivity -- -- License: Attribution Noncommercial
S: camel.flac by Erdie -- -- License: Attribution
S: Dog barking.wav by apolloaiello -- -- License: Attribution Noncommercial
S: 20130403_duck.04.wav by dobroide -- -- License: Attribution
S: 20110503_clucking.01.wav by dobroide -- -- License: Attribution
S: 1202_goat.wav by reinsamba -- -- License: Attribution
S: sheep bleats 02 160830_0957.wav by klankbeeld -- -- License: Attribution
Nunito Sans font was used in the application as rasterized graphic
Copyright 2016 The Nunito Project Authors (,
This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
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《Animal sounds, photos and short descriptions album最新安卓下载》下载版本说明
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