Chess - Mate in 1最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Thousands of free mate in one chess puzzles to practice and improve your chess!
Improve your chess vision in real chess games positions and never miss a mate in one again!
♘5000 random mate in one chess puzzles.
♘All for free!
♘3 different modes to solve and improve your chess.
♘Play The Move: Play against a powerful chess engine from a mate in one position. If you don't make the mate, as in a real game, the game will go on and you will have to find new moves to win or defend yourself.
♘Make The Move: Find the correct move or moves to mate.
♘Guess The Move: Think about the right move to mate. If you don't find the mate you can ask the chess engine for the solution. Also you can move as in the Play mode, if you don't mate the game will continue against the chess engine. Great for beginners to learn!
♘Real chess game positions and also composed problems.
♘Very small size, just 3mb.
Chess Mate in 1 app does not require an internet connection, all puzzles are accessible offline.
上回说到,我们要搞事!搞事!搞事!在拉苏公主的领导下,加上魔堡大执事压箱底的支援,我们决定送出一台华为Mate 30!!(想要!想要!),一台Nintendo Switch(流口水了!)还有一台Vivo U3((*@ο@*) 哇~)!不知道各位小伙伴是否有心动,此时的涂涂酱如下图:
详细的活动规则如下: ...
由AMBITION推出的新作手游《Avatarmate》已经上架,这是一款日系冒险战斗RPG类的手游。对游戏有兴趣的玩家就不要错过游戏了!《Avatar mate》这款手游上架没多久就赢得了不少玩家的喜爱,它可爱的画风和有趣的玩法让玩家们连连称赞。
《Avatar Mate》是一款社交 RPG 手游。在这个人类与妖怪共存的世界,人类与友好的妖怪为对付作恶多端的流浪妖怪,联手建立了「亚美库莱团」,并借助双方力量和技术,研製出了「妖怪终端」。
日本 Ambition 新作 RPG 手机游戏《Avatar Mate(アバターメイト)》(iOS/Android)近日正式配信,登陆移动平台。
《Avatar Mate》是一款社交 RPG 手游。...