Tug of War - Shake Your Phone最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Tug of War - Shaking Your Phone is a simple game to kill time.
There are 3 levels,
Easy Level - This level is just for warming up
Medium Level - This level helps familiarizing your hand shaking strength
Hard Level - This is the level that requires player continuous steady shaking of phone to win the Tug of War!
The current version only record down own best record.
The next version will allows player all among the world to compete with each other to see who can win Hard Level in the shortest time and be the Tug of War Champion
Reminder: Please be extremely careful when playing Hard Level as it may damage your smartphone if you do not hold your smartphone properly.
还在为没有紫色武器烦恼吗?还在为获得白色装备郁闷吗?这些都不是事,在《Dragon war》中,装备系统中有一个“融合”功能,把自己需要的装备进行锻造,在融合界面添加材料,当融合度满足条件后装备就会进阶,获得高大上的装备不再是梦想
作为一款经典开放沙盒游戏,《我的世界》在全球都备受欢迎,官方也广泛“撒网”,将游戏移植到各大游戏平台,很是花费精力。然而近日,据外媒 Ars Technica 报道,微软已经决定停止《我的世界》对 Windows Phone 8.1 的支持,显然这版不属于本世代的系统,其用户基数已小到不值得 Mojang 去付出更多的精力了。
与此同时,Android 和 iOS 版的《我的世界: 便携版》...