Anpanman : Runner Adventure最新安卓下载游戏攻略
This is the start of a new crazy game yet Anpanman game
Anpanman : Runner Adventure is to help your favorite Anpanman character to collect the maximum amount of coins and all chest. Just dodge Baikinman, Jam Ojisan will help you overcome obstacles and save your position.
Your mission is to eat the maximum of coins as fast as you can, and looking everywhere to help anpanman family against Baikinman. When it's done, you can play with is.
Enjoy the new funny and crazy adventures in Anpanman : Runner Adventure.
5 World + World Bonus
60 Designed Level
Multiple Hero
Free and Fun
Running and jumping and shooting adventures
Funny and crazy characters
Would you like to have fun? Anpanman : Runner Adventure is the right game for you and your kids, get it now for free!
★★ How to play Anpanman Game ★★
• Use the joystick to move anpanman.
• Press B to Jump, Press A to use hammer or other weapon.
• Collect coins and the 3 stars located on each level
Disclaimer : We are not affiliated in any way similar to the cartoon. This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fair use". If you feel there is a copyright, please contact us directly. Our application is a game only for fans purpose only, not authorized or created by the original creator.
还记得年初红遍微博的那款超难虐心游戏《Trap Adventure 2》吗?包括散人、中国Boy在内的不少知名UP主和主播纷纷尝试后,现场情况可以说是叫苦连天了!如今,咱们可爱的虚拟主播爱酱也要来挑战这款令人身心疲惫的虐心作品,这结局嘛……未荻似乎已经预料到了!
《Trap Adventure 2》是爱酱在油管上传的最新视频,从标题来看就已经剧透了——“迄今为止最最最生气的一次”。就连简介中...
漫改 跑酷 横版 q萌 动作
独立游戏工作室SaltyPepper Studios最近在众筹平台发布了该工作室的首款移动游戏《Once Upon a Runner》,预计募集5000美元资金,来完成一款2D横向卷轴跑酷游戏,在众筹平台网站上列出了募集资金的流向,十分的正规清晰。游戏预计将在安卓和iOS双平台登陆。
《Once Upon a Runner》的主角是一名名叫Ella的少女,从造型上来看是不是很像童...