Test Geografia Romaniei最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Test: Geografia Romaniei
★ afla cat de bine cunosti geografia Romaniei.
Testeaza-ti cunostintele la geografie pentru scoala castigand puncte.
Fie ca iti testezi cunostintele sau inveti pentru a trece un examen la scoala,
Test: Geografia Romaniei
te ajuta sa testezi si tot in acelasi timp sa inveti geografia Romaniei.
★Cum functioneaza? FOARTE SIMPLU!
Exact ca un test pe care il primesti la scoala,dar de aceasta data ai posibilitatea sa te aflii oriunde vrei tu!
Si asta nu este tot! Strange puncte si foloseste-le ca ajutor pentru rezolvarea intrebarilor mai dificile!
Aceste teste la geografie contin urmatorele capitole:
1★ - Resedinte de judet
2★ - Turism
3★ - Munti
4★ - Ape
etichete: geografie,test geografie,teste scoala,teste bac,geografie pentru bac,teste liceu,bacalaureat
Test: Geography of Romania ★ Find out how well you know the geography of Romania.
Test your knowledge of geography for school by gaining points.
Whether you're testing your knowledge or learning to pass an exam at school,
Test: Geography of Romania helps you test and at the same time learn the geography of Romania.
★ How does it work? VERY SIMPLE!
Just like a test you get at school, but this time you have the opportunity to be wherever you want!
And that's not all! Strange points and use them as help to solve more difficult questions!
These geography tests include the following chapters:
1 ★ - Residence of the county
2 ★ - Tourism
3 ★ - Mountains
4 ★ - Ape
Tags: geography, geography test, school tests, ferry tests, ferry geography, high school tests, baccalaureate
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