Slippery Run最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Slippery is a nice little person who got stuck in blade zone accidentally. He must escape or will get slaughtered like a watermelon.
Blade Monsters are trying to cut Slippery into pieces and crash him like fruits. Always stay away from them. However, Slippery has the amazing power of surviving even after dying just through retry. Try retry option to make Slippery Run again!
The game will help children a lot to develop their concentration skills. Not to mention even grown-ups with like the game as its fun, addictive and productive time passing.
A top notch arcade game with attractive graphics.
性感的小胡须,自信的背带裤,来自任天堂的老朋友——马里奥大叔终于纵身一跃,要与大家在手机平台上见面了!《超级马里奥RUN》这款横版跑酷游戏,今日将在150多个国家地区App Store上架。
Coin Value:可以改变硬币的颜色。
Shield duration:升级该技能可以延长护盾的持续时间,注意护盾只对路上的障碍有效果,如果你掉下了悬崖护盾就无效了。
Coin Magnet:升级这个技能后可以延长磁铁的持续时间。
Boost Distance:升级这个技能可以延长加速道具的奔跑距离。
pickup spawn:可以让道具出现的几率...