Magic Piano dream tiles最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Incredible Magic Piano dream tiles - the best music tiles piano game!
Simplicity is the way to enjoy music games: Tap on the black tiles (piano keys), don’t touch the white tiles to feel the music and chords, to form a pleasant rising and falling pattern of sounds.
It’s similar to other incredible piano games, you just have to tap the black tiles and avoid the white tiles then enjoy the wonderful music in game.
Game features:
Band mode where you can play with more instruments such as guitar, piano, and others.
Advanced feature of battle mode – custom match - which let you to compete directly with your friends and whoever you want to.
High-quality piano songs, and some popular pop music which are frequently updated
The challenge mode which leads users to improve their tapping speed in order to rank on the top of the world.
Compete with others around the world.
Treasure hunt is where you can open the boxes and received your valuable gifts.
Remember, don’t touch the white tiles!
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