Dragon Online最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Welcome to the open beta of Dragon Online MMORPG. Not your usual game.
Completely FREE.
Discord Channel - https://discord.gg/7j5kT83
Choose between 2 Dragon CLASSES, each with its own unique spells and battle capabilities.
More than 20 unique ITEMS- potions, gems.
PARTY system enabling you to play with friends.
CRAFTING system allowing you to update all your attributes
Unique QUESTS.
Different and unique monsters.
SAVE ZONE around your spawn, to gather your strength before rushing into battle.
Powerful bosses and monsters that will take your everything to defeat, but will reward you greatly.
Coming soon - More classes, more items and more crafting recipes.
More levels for each hero and more spells.
PVP Zones that you can teleport to and fight with everyone and get awesome prizes.(at the moment you can fight everywhere in the game except for the starting quest zone)
Guild system.
Customizable heroes.
PVP Server for the strongest people who achieved the maximum level.
And hundred more features.
If you have any suggestions please contact us by email and tell us ALL about it. We would love to hear them. This is the perfect time to take your suggestions and leave your mark on the game ! One day you will feel proud and say: that feature exists because of me !!
还在为没有紫色武器烦恼吗?还在为获得白色装备郁闷吗?这些都不是事,在《Dragon war》中,装备系统中有一个“融合”功能,把自己需要的装备进行锻造,在融合界面添加材料,当融合度满足条件后装备就会进阶,获得高大上的装备不再是梦想