BRUUT Beta最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Choose your Bruut and build a strong army of War Machines, to dominate in a unique, thrilling turn-based system in which both you and your enemy plan ahead. See how your strategies unfold and play out against each other. Show your tactical insight and impress the world.
Collect epic rewards to enhance your army and compete with rival armies from all over the globe!
Now is the time for you to be the commander! Guide your Bruut, expand your army and lead them to victory!
✔ Free to play!
✔ Play with friends and other players across the globe in PvP battles and show them how to truly command an army.
✔ Earn rewards in unique and fast, turn-based multiplayer matches.
✔ Unlock Units and Weapons, each with their own specialties and special skills to turn the tide of battle!
✔ Assemble your army with different Units, equip those Units with powerful weapons.
✔ Upgrade both Units and Weapons to their full potential!
BRUUT is ever-expanding so keep your eye out for new releases of Bruuts, Units, Weapons, Skins and more!
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《决斗英雄》(Duelyst)由开发商Counterplay Games制作,该团队由曾开发《暗黑破坏神3》及《拉捷特与克拉克》(Ratchet & Clank)、《Rogue Legacy》等作品的业界资深开发者组成。早前,开发商表示该作将在今年第一季度推出,而今游戏已开启限时Beta测试。
本作是一款快节奏偏重度的回合制策略游戏。灵感来源于《炉石传说》、《英雄学院》(Hero ...
据外媒最新消息称,“战争机器”之父Cliff Bleszinski旗下射击游戏《不法之徒(LawBreakers)》要在3月16日后迎来beta测试了,不过遗憾的是这次beta测试依旧是封闭式的。如果,你对该作感兴趣的话,千万不要错过。
CI Games旗下的射击游戏《狙击手:幽灵战士3(Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3)》于2月4日正式在PC端开启beta测试。虽然已经是第三部作品,但是剧情发展大家基本可以忽略,笼统性地理解为一位苦大仇深的狙击手深入中欧地区身负一系列的刺杀任务,反正在欧美社会中这块区域一直以来就生活在苏联/俄罗斯影响下的水深火热之中。