Forward Line最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Forward Line is a turn based, medium weight, two player strategy board game with a World War II theme. Made with a great deal of research and testing distilled into a unique experience, Forward Line captures the essence of mid-twentieth century war strategy in a game that offers strategic depth, yet easy to learn, that can be played against a friend without a large time commitment.
The object of the game is to capture the cities of the world with your military units. In some ways the game is like chess, in that it is a game of positioning and maneuver; there is no random chance involved in determining whether a unit defeats an enemy unit. There are 10 types of military unit that have unique roles that must be combined to deceive, outrun, outwit and overwhelm your opponent.
Multiplayer mode over LAN, Wi-Fi or internet.
Single player mode against the AI.
In game tutorial for learning the rules.
This game has ads and an in-app purchase to remove the ads.
For details on gameplay mechanics, see the online manual on the Dreamreason website at
If you have questions, you can post on the steam forum here:
《LINE闪电十一人》其实早在去年就已经登陆了iOS以及Google Play平台了,但是由于版本的更新,一些游戏玩法也发生了变动,所以小编今天就再来给大家说下这款...
LINE GAME 旗下塔防类型手机游戏《LINE Rangers 银河特攻队》今(31)日宣布与知名动画《犬夜叉》合作,将经典角色「犬夜叉」、「阿篱」、「杀生丸」、「桔梗」化身为 Rangers 登场,携手LINE Rangers的伙伴们一同踏上找寻「四魂之玉碎片」旅途。