Core War最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Core War is a free and addictive shmup/dodging game where you command the master plane to shoot off the floating planets in the space.
Not only you need to shoot as much as the planets, it’s very important to dodge them from being attacked that will immediately leads to a gameover.
During the level up, you need to upgrade your weapons. The higher the level is, the more powerful the weapon becomes. By constant upgrading, you will be experiencing increased amazing fun from creating a fullsrceen explosion.
What’s more exciting, there are random events to double/triple the gold coin rewards, and weapon enhancement, and reinforcements that helps to a quicker triumph!
It’s so easy to pick up even by one hand, yet challenging in many way to become the ultimate champion!
20XX年,人类迎来了和平年代,各地都流行着模拟战争的游戏——War Race。
比旧时代的“真人CS”更有趣的是,War Race的参赛者们可以临时建造多种多样的四维道具,模仿各种充满想象力的战争现场。参赛者来自各行各业:学生,建筑工人,女护士,漫画家,黑客……他们带上自己得心应手的四维道具,驰骋在城市、公园、游戏中心等赛场,在游戏中,他们放下自己的身份地位,拿起了手中的狙击枪、散弹枪、火箭炮...
跨次元军武对战手游《装甲联盟》7月28日11点即将开启首次渠道测试。“Cold War”来袭,在炎热的夏季带来最凉爽的军武旋风!这一次,世界因你而变。首测预约于今日正式开启,抢占先机就在此时!
【 预约有礼 虚位以待 】
《装甲联盟》为“Cold War”渠道首测出击准备,预约专题今日正式开启!各位玩家在完成预约之后即可获得专属游戏礼包一枚。除此之外,还将获得来自《装甲联盟》总议会的温馨提...