Emulatr G 2 Kg Gams 2002最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Emulator Gneo 2 ,it's a collection of top arcade classic games, this is the second version with more than 16 tested roms .
this is a developed version of MAME GnGeo 2 is an emulator for box final arcade Neogeo rom.
Welcome again to the gold age , be the final king again and get all your mortal friends health.
Emulator Gneo 2 supported by the originel mame 0.139u1
- Adaptable with all devices (os android).
- Save/load states.
- Multiplayer mode (netplay) .
- 6 buttons.
- Fast play as a king with no bugs .
- Virtual pad: Movement in pad, mouse and analog control of the four fighters player setting.
- Buttons B,X,A,Y,L,R / Buttons A,B,C,D,E,F.
- Button select (Coin): Insert credits (UP+SELECT = 2P credits, RIGHT+SELECT = 3P credits, DOWN+select = 4P credits).
- Button START: start (UP+START = 2P start, RIGHT+START = 3P start, DOWN+START = 4P start).
MAME4droid Licence
MAME4droid is released under a dual-license (GPL / MAME license) of your choice. Under the GPL license in addition you have some extra rights granted by a special license exception which allow you to link the MAME4iOS & MAME4droid GPL source with the not GPL MAME source.
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