Introduction to the game
This is a survival game! Evil Ninja X opens up three dimensional spaces, which will be the catastrophe of Ninja World! From the second ninja, stop the evil Ninja X!
Game features
In this dimension contest, you can play the following:
☆It's easy to operate and can defeat each other with only a slight touch.
☆Quick response is the key to victory.
☆There is no time limit, like a real fighter rushing to the battlefield;
☆As the number of people killed increases, the ability to unlock becomes stronger
《Bad North》是一个轻度的实时策略游戏,结合的roguelite迷人的美感和简单策略,易于控制和一个非常深奥的战斗方式。游戏中,你的家园受到攻击。国王惨死在北欧的海盗手中。年轻的王子和公主无奈之下背井离乡,必须收集所有资源,依靠忠诚的族人重振家园。Bad North终于揭开神秘面纱了,对于苹果的玩家可能会更加的想要知道这款游戏什么时候出,通常来说iOS会比安卓上架得要晚一点,但是也不排除有...
《愤怒的小鸟》(Angry Bird)开发商,芬兰游戏工作室Rovio近日发布了《愤怒的小鸟》续作《捣蛋猪》(Bad Piggies),该游戏今日将在iOS、Android和Mac OS X平台上线。
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