DIVE Mobile最新安卓下载游戏攻略
Only the chosen and strong in spirit will be able to pass the way, from a weak and poor diver to unprecedented heights! Be careful, everything is much more complicated than it seems!
Game features:
1. Collect coins, find treasures and interesting finds.
2. Explore wrecks.
3. You are waiting for 10 days of action history.
4. The simple visual component does not allow to be distracted by trifles and is completely immersed in the gameplay.
5. Convenient menu navigation and user-friendly interface in the game.
6. 10 diver characteristics are available to improve (choosing different variations of characteristics also changes the style of play)
7. And most importantly, do not forget that you are not alone.
Rules of the game:
1. The air ends under water, do not forget to rise and replenish it.
2. The speed of movement under water is lower than above water, use it to get away from the pursuit.
3. A boat is not just a warehouse of coins, but also an excellent protection against external threats.
4. Usually in order to complete a level, it is enough to collect a certain number of coins.
5. The longer you are in the study area, the less you are friendly surrounding creatures.
6. Never swim beyond the study area!
7. Anything you bring to the boat will continue.
Problems with the game? Send a message to wergokr@mail.ru or write a message to the VKontakte group at https://vk.com/wkr_developed
《公主连接》是由日本开发商CyberAgent和Cygames联合推出的一款冒险闯关类手游,游戏中的男主原本是一个普通路人而后却变为帅气的二次元白马王子,与各色美少女们展开浪漫的恋爱故事,该作自推出之后以超豪华的声优阵容而着称。近日,Cygames对外宣布将在今年年内推出系列的续作《公主连接Re:Dive》(Princess Connect!Re:Dive)。
日本 Sony 企业在台分公司 So-net(台湾硕网网路娱乐公司,以下简称 So-net)今(1)日宣布,日制「动画系」手机游戏《超异域公主连结☆Re:Dive》(以下简称:《公主连结》)台港澳繁中版已正式于 iOS 及 Android 双平台开放下载。游戏记者会上,亦邀请日本原厂 Cygames 常务董事 /制作人木村唯人与艺人李毓芬等人一同站台庆祝。