Moon Trip. Adventure MCPE map最新安卓下载游戏攻略
This map is yet another Minecraft masterpiece themed around space adventures. You will play as an astronaut who is going on a flight to the International Space Station or ISS, see the Moon and come back to the Earth. It is truly a well-designed map with clear instructions and awesome rocket flight simulations.
You start the game in a room near the spaceport. Do not forget to open a chest because it is your source of all necessary things and instructions which you will need to complete this mission.
This is a non-official application. And this application has nothing to do with the Mojang AB Company.
The name, brand, and a trademark of minecraft exclusively belong to the Mojang AB and we highly respect their property. All rights are reserved according to the Internet portal.
由韩国知名游戏开发商WeMade(娱美德)公司出品的3D横版格斗大作《Moon Wolf》,在被腾讯买下独代权后,于今日正式定名《吞月之狼》,并放出消息将于1月8日正式对外删档封测。
下面是韩版《Moon Wolf》的试玩视频,我们借此来在开测前,欣赏一下这部传说已久的大作吧。
2014年1月8日,《吞月之狼Moon Wolf》将正式与中国玩家见面,为国内玩家带来酷炫华丽横版格斗体验。...
今年8月,腾讯已取得韩国动作手游《Moon Wolf》在大陆的独家代理权,那么这款即将登陆微信游戏平台的神秘新作是一款什么样的游戏呢?网络上已经爆出了相当炫丽的游戏视频。
据悉,《Moon Wolf》是WeMade公司基于数年开发经验制作的一款横版动作MORPG野心作,其移植了传统PC端游的画质和游戏性等特点,强调职业差异性和打击感,具有多种副本及社交玩法。