Math Quiz 2018 : Ultimate Math Trivia Game最新安卓下载游戏攻略
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Math Quiz 2018
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Math Quiz 2018 : Ultimate Math Trivia Game
Game in 4 Different Levels.
This Game contains all the kind of Math Trivia Quiz questions.
•This is the ultimate trivia quiz game for children, family, intellectuals and students of competitive exams.
• You will be updated with the new questions always time to time.
•The Quiz Game is really interesting and you will be able to become quiz master in front of your friends.
Play Guide :
•• Total 15 questions will be asked in this gameplay.
•• You need to answer all 15 question correctly to win the Challenge Amount (Not Real).
•• At the Game End, You See the Challenge Amount or the Corresponding amount depending upon correct answer.
•• To Help You Out with Correct Answer at Any Stage of Game you are presented with 4 Lifeline Options to answer. This are
•A• Fifty-Fifty(50/50) : This eliminate two Random incorrect answers.
•B• Phone-A-Friend : This Option would give you opinion answer.
•C• Audience Poll : Graphical Stat Answer in Representing different opinion.
•D• Flip : This Option would help you to change the question without lossing the game.
Disclaimer - This Math Quiz 2018 : Ultimate Math Trivia Game does not represent any entity, any channel, any tv show, any game show. This is not an official game of any television show or movie. Our main purpose of this game is to entertain its users and spread some knowledge.This Game does not offer any real cash or any digital money.
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