Dora Explore The Land of Treasure最新版下载游戏攻略
Do you love the explorer Dora ?
Do you want Dora 's friend ?
Okey we have a good news for you. this Game you can be the best friend of Dora and you can one of the best expolrer in the world, but before that you must to get ready to beat all dora 's enemies and you must be strong and fast.
This game is about helping Dora to find the treasure in the land of pirates, please be carefull there are a lot of obstacles and enemies , you must to talk with dora and focus on the road in the same time, like a explorer.
After you found the treasure you must to find the way to go back with the explorer and take Dora to her house. But the rail track is tough, you can loose gold on the way. A challenge for you to overcome all the difficulties comes in the way. Jump over the tracks, move faster and take more gold to the home. Now, adventure time begins. Step into your cart and face the challenges!!
The addictive narrative, beautiful graphics, and fantastic music will certainly satisfy you.
by the way The swiper and friend always disturb Dora. Help her to beat the swiper.
i'am sure you will like this game if you love Dora 's Games. if you dream to be a great explorer in futur
Finally, thanks to install and playing this dora the explorer games. This game created from fans and to only for fans. We not connect with the author and all brand or copyright have respective owner, please contact us if you feel we are infringe the copyright.
橙色相框的圆形提示,以及上面飞机顺序提示。 ...
由日本游戏厂商 Capcom 制作开发的动作手游《怪物猎人 Explore》即将在 11 月 16 日上线繁体中文版,随着上线日期的接近,官方也公布了各种特色玩法。如今,又公布了游戏中“武技”玩法,下面就先通过视频来了解下吧。
玩家在狩猎魔物的过程当中能获得武技 P,当武技P累积至指定条件时,按下画面中右边的技能 Bar,就可发动该武器所附带的武技。武技共分为三种类型,分别是攻击性武技、疗愈...
早在去年游戏厂商 Capcom 便在日本地区推出了《怪物猎人》系列的正统手游作《怪物猎人 Explore》,而前段时间官方也正式宣布该游戏会在亚洲地区运营,如今游戏的繁体中文版本《魔物猎人 Explore》(台湾官译)已经登陆 iOS、安卓双平台。下面就来通过官方视频,了解一下本作的特色吧。
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