Number Line - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages最新版下载游戏攻略
This is a game about Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. We have a Numbered line (-4,4) and in this range the game chooses by using random choice some numbers in form of decimals, fractions and percentages. We must put the numbers in the right place on the Number Line. The student must answer in 3 Questions and for each question he has 50 Sec. He moves the numbers on the number line with arrow buttons. We have a button for fast moving and a button for slow and accurate moving and placement. By using these buttons move the number on the number line and afterwards we will see the result. If we complete the game, we will see our grade. This is a helpful teaching resource for Students, Parents and Teachers.
日本LINE宣布,智慧型手机游戏新作《LINE Grand Grid(LINE グラングリッド)》(iOS/Android)并正式开始【事前登录】活动。
本作是LINE Ventures所投资的LINE Game Global Gateway所制作的作品。是一款让角色在4×5的盘面上进行战斗的战略RPG,以能够靠一根手指简单操作来进行游戏为卖点。
《LINE Grand Grid》中,...
今日,游戏商Line宣布与 Cyber Agent 合作开发的游戏新作《LINE 潜空的复国》(LINE 潜空のレコンキスタ)预注册正式开始,参与预注册的玩家可以获得丰厚的特典奖励。游戏的具体上架时间尚未公布。
本作是一款RPG游戏,由Cyber Agent 全面负责开发。游戏的剧情将会由《杀戮都市》额编剧渡边雄介负责,另外还有コザキユースケ担任监修,力图打造一款优秀的传统日式RP...
《Number Line - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages最新版下载》下载版本说明
《Number Line - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages最新版下载》没有电视没有电脑很无聊怎么办?那就玩
Number Line - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages吧,下载方便不占手机内存还可以打发时间带来很多乐趣,还等什么!赶紧下载吧!当然每款Number Line - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages都有很多个版本,要玩下载哪个版本呢?这里小编当然建议要玩就玩最新版啦,最新版不仅修复了之前版本的一些漏洞,而且还有新增的一些玩法或系统,让Number Line - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages变得更加丰富完善,那么哪里可以下载最新版呢?那就来九游门户下载Number Line - Fractions, Decimals and Percentages吧!