BW Domino最新版下载游戏攻略
A simple Domino card game which can play off-line.
I try to create a unique art style intece, using art Deco style, also in Black & White.
This game still in the early phase, I'm realizing there are so much rooms needs to be improved, like one is more ooth drags in the drag mode.
Please wait for another more awesome features, like:
- Play online with friends.
- 4 Players mode.
- and more...
Please support this game by download & play it, and I will very grateful for any feedbacks & suggestions to improve this game.
8月是一个忙碌的时节。经历了Chinajoy和“梦辰华典II”《梦间集》二周年庆的精彩,8月16日-18日,咖啡厅甜蜜养成手游《梦间集天鹅座》继续向南出发登陆Bilibili World广州站,给店长们带来一段精彩难忘的天鹅座咖啡厅限时营业体验。
炫酷主舞台活动 精彩游戏不断
由日本著名游戏厂商Cygames公司开发,网易游戏正式代理的日式幻想题材公平竞技卡牌手游《影之诗》国服,在这个夏天火热登场BiliBili World!
近日来台风过境,魔都的天气也变得十分的棒,如此棒的天气,配上一场二次元的盛宴,和数百位中国最活跃的B站 UP主来一场一年一度的盛大面基,是不是很棒呢!?
7月20日~7月22日,《神无月》宣布即将参加一年一度的Bilibili world展会,展会地点:世博展览馆,展位号H3-3305,期待各位守护者的大驾光临哦~