New KBC in Hindi 2018 with Bheem : Trivia Quiz最新版下载游戏攻略
Welcome to India's #1 Trivia Quiz Game KBC 2018 with Bheem.
Disclaimer : we are not representing any entity or any channel or any television show or any game show. And This Game does not offer any real cash or any digital money.The purpose of making this game is to supply fun and knowledge to the people. This is not official KBC Game App,
KBC season 10 is the entertainment trivia game where you get unlimited questions that can’t be found anywhere else.
Play India's biggest general knowledge quiz game KBC 2018 in Hindi language with new general knowledge and current affairs questions and improve your general knowledge and current affairs.
This General knowledge( GK app) and Current affairs app is India's No.1 Test Preparation App for All Competitive Entrance & Recruitment Exams.
- In game help options
- TONS! of question
- Fast support
- Offline mode
Play Guide of KBC Play Along Quiz Game :
• Total 15 questions will be asked in this gameplay.
• You need to answer all 15 question correctly to win the Challenge Amount (Not Real).
• At the Game End, You See the Challenge Amount or the Corresponding amount depending upon correct answer.
• To Help You Out with Correct Answer at Any Stage of Game you are presented with 3 Lifeline Options to answer. This are
1. Fifty-Fifty(50/50) : This eliminate two Random incorrect answers.
2. Phone-A-Friend : This Option would give you choice to call your friend.
3. Majority Vote : See what answer option the majority of players have chosen.
KBC in Hindi 2018 is Current Affairs & Daily General Knowledge Quiz specially design for who are applying for India goverment exams, all states exams, goverment jobs, I, BANK PO, IBPS, SSC, NCERT, UPSC, GATE 2018 etc.
By playing KBC 2018 you can learn very latest and new questions of India history as well as reasoning, aptitude and maths related questions. KBC is the most used & top rated Current Affairs app.
Have a good game-play!
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